
Gastroeosphageal reflux / Gastroeosphageal reflux disease
Intestinal atresia
Pyloric stenosis
  • Describe the physiology of gastrointestinal tone and motility
  • Describe the basic embryogenesis of the intestinal tract and how alterations in normal embryogenesis lead to the development of obstructive lesions of the intestinal tract with particular focus on malrotation and atresias
  • Relate bilious vomiting to the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Identify non-gastrointestinal causes of vomiting
  • Describe metabolic and electrolyte alterations that occur with vomiting
  • Apply basic principles of pharmacology and indications for drugs used in the management of vomiting

Overview & Foundational Knowledge

Merck Manual. Nausea & Vomiting in Infants and Children


Brief overview on nausea and vomiting in infants and children, with audio podcast.

Chandran L & Chitkara M. Vomiting in Children: Reassurance, Red Flag, or Referral? Pediatrics in Review 2008; 29: 183.

Review on common causes, the physiology and evaluation of vomiting. Comprehensive age specific differential diagnoses in the young child.

Parashette KR & Croffie J. Vomiting. Pediatrics in Review 2013; 34: 307.

Review article on vomiting. Comprehensive review of vomiting; age specific including the older child. Discussion of organic and non-organic causes of vomiting.

Virtual Patients or Cases

Vomiting. University of Alberta Pedscases



Case based quiz on vomiting in an infant.




Canuc-Paeds physician authored, replayable cases