Kawasaki disease
Occult bacteremia /sepsis
Urinary tract infection
- Describe the pathophysiology of thermoregulation and define fever
- List and classify common pathogens that cause fever
- List non-infectious causes of fever
- Describe the modes of transmission of infectious agents and means of prevention
- Demonstrate competence in the application of universal precautions
- List and classify the common pathogens causing urinary tract infections in children
- Describe the basic principles of pharmacology used in the management of fever and infectious and non-infectious febrile conditions
Overview & Foundational Knowledge
Avner, JR. Acute fever. Pediatrics in Review 2009; 30(1): 5-13.
Overview on pathophysiology and management of acute fever. |
Mann, K & Jackson, MA. Meningitis. Pediatrics in Review 2008; 29(12): 417-430.
Overview on bacterial, viral, TB and fungal meningitis, management, complications and long term sequelae. |
Ishimine, P. Fever without source in children 1 to 36 months of age. Pediatric Clinics of North America 2006; 53: 167-194.
A lengthy but quite complete overview. Includes foundational knowledge. |
Fever without a focus in less than 3 months. Pedscases podcast.
Interview with a Pediatric ID specialist from University of Alberta. Good summary. Free download on iTunes. |
Son MB & Newberger J. Kawasaki Disease. Pediatrics in Review 2013; 34(4): 151-162.
Overview article on Kawasaki disease, manifestations, differential diagnosis, treatment, cardiac complications- good pictures and tables. |
Clinical Resources
Urinary tract infection: Clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and management of the initial UTI in febrile infants and children 2 to 24 months. Pediatrics, 2011; 128(3): 595-610.
Clinical practice guideline from the Subcommittee on UTI, steering committee on quality improvement and management. |
Evaluation of Fever in Infants and Young Children. Hamilton JL, John SP. American Family Physician. 2013; 87(4): 254-260.
http://www.aafp.org/afp/2013/0215/p254.html Good article with flow diagrams to demonstrate evaluation of febrile infants. American context, but very similar to Canadian approach. |
Virtual Patients or Cases
Prolonged fever.
Access through https://www.pedscases.com/prolonged-fever-11-month-old-male |
Canuc-Paeds physician authored, replayable cases |