Limp / Extremity pain
Growing pains
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Legg Calve Perthes disease
Osgood Schlatter disease
Post-infectious arthritis
Reactive arthritis
Rheumatic fever
Septic arthritis
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Transient synovitis
Trauma / injury
- Identify the basic anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system
- Describe the growth and development of bones, joints, and surrounding soft tissues
- Describe the components of normal gait
- Explain the infectious and non-infectious causes of musculoskeletal pain and inflammation
- Define innate and humoral immunity and describe the pathophysiology of autoimmune diseases
- Summarize the process of repair and healing of musculoskeletal injury
- Describe the basic principles of pharmacology used in the management of inflammation and pain
Overview & Foundational Knowledge
Tse SML & Laxer RM. Approach to Acute Limb Pain in Childhood. Pediatrics in Review 2006; 27: 170-180. Case based discussion of non-inflammatory and inflammatory causes of acute limb pain. Essential read. |
Huurman WW & Ginsburg GM. Musculoskeletal Injury in Children. Pediatrics in Review 1997; 18: 429. Review of orthopedic injuries in children. |
Junnila JL & Cartwright VW. Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in Children: Part I. Initial Evaluation. American Family Physician 2006; 74: 115-22. Overview on the evaluation of musculoskeletal pain in children. |
Junnila JL & Cartwright VW. Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in Children: Part II. Rheumatic Causes. American Family Physician 2006; 74: 293-300. Overview describing when to refer chronic musculoskeletal pain and inflammatory joint conditions. |
John J & Chandran L. Arthritis in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics in Review 2011; 32: 470. Review of inflammatory causes of arthritis in children. |
Virtual Patients or Cases
Gill P, MacPherson P, LeBlanc C, Ellsworth J PedCases- A Learning Module for Evaluation of a Pediatric Limp for Medical Students. MedEdPORTAL 2010. Audio podcast on the evaluation of the child with a limp. Includes nine cases on the pediatric patient with a limp. Available online through MedEdPORTAL. |
University of Alberta Pedscases
Access through Case based quiz on joint pain in a child. |
Canuc-Paeds physician authored, replayable cases |